Do you take Advil with your breakfast, or Aleve before bed? How many do you take in a day, in a week? These same pills that take the edge off your pain and allow you to move through the day better, not only mask the pain, but new research tells us that of all of these Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID's) could actually be making our joints worse. Osteoarthritis (OA or just Arthritis, which is different than Rheumatoid Arthritis) symptoms of pain and stiffness in the joins is typically treated with prescribed or over-the counter NSAID's, such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen.
Do NSAID's increase the need for joint replacements? Repeated tests show an accelerated progression of specifically knee and hip osteoarthritis, theses are the biggest joints in our body and tend to be more affected by the medication. Patients who took NSAID's for knee pain, versus placebo or no medication at all, over a 2 year period, had increased pressure on the damaged joint that would accelerate osteoarthritis and the need for a knee replacement. Another study confirmed that use of NSAID's increased the risk of getting a hip replacement due to osteoarthritis by 50% during 2 years.
If you are taking these medication for other issues in your body, they seem to specifically target the larger joint of the hips and knees, because they inhibit (slow or stop) cartilage regrowth. Our bodies are in a constant and consistent state of regeneration.